1Why does the application require so much information and why do you need all of this information?

The Federal Government includes Indian gaming operations conducted under or pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) in the definition of a financial institution. Just as banks must conduct thorough background checks for all applicants desiring to work in the bank, we too must be thorough and selective in determining who is suitable to work in a CPN Gaming facility. The license applications are used to gather pertinent information, to develop a complete and accurate representation of an applicant, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Criminal History
  • Work ethic
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Relationships and associations
  • Any financial pressures that could pose a risk to the assets of the Tribe (for management and certain key positions)


2What are you going to do with this information?
All information will be verified and analyzed. An informed and objective decision, on the suitability of an applicant to work in a specific position within or related to a gaming facility, will be made using all information available.
3Is my information protected?
Yes. All information is stored on a secure, encrypted server.
4Who will have access to my information?
Within the Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN), only the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Gaming Commission (CPNGC) personnel have access to the information. This information is used for determination of suitability for licensure and investigative purposes.
5Why do you need financial information?

There are certain positions in which we must analyze any and all financial pressures that may exist. This information is required of management officials and certain key positions that have direct access and/or control over items that include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

  • The hiring and firing of individuals
  • Directing and making operational business decisions
  • Business relationships, contracts, payments, etc.
  • Development and implementation of policy and procedures
  • Proprietary and/or controlled-accounting information
  • Items that control the outcome or integrity of games
  • Assets including cash or certain equipment or inventory
  • Intricate knowledge of security controls, details, rotations, processes, and/or camera placement


6Will pulling a credit report on me hurt my credit score?
No. This is a soft credit inquiry. There are two types of credit inquiries, a hard inquiry and a soft inquiry. A hard inquiry is pulled when an individual requests an initial loan or increase in a line of credit from a financial institution. This is a soft inquiry and is used to determine suitability for employment in certain positions within a gaming facility.
7If I have a bad credit score, does that mean I won't be able to work at the casino?
No. This is a soft credit inquiry. There are two types of credit inquiries, a hard inquiry and a soft inquiry. A hard inquiry is pulled when an individual requests an initial loan or increase in a line of credit from a financial institution. This is a soft inquiry and is used to determine suitability for employment in certain positions within a gaming facility.
8Why does it matter who lives in my household?

Evaluation of close relationships and associations, especially within an applicant's household, are necessary to determine any potential risks that include but are not limited to:

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Collusion
  • Cheats
  • Scams
  • Kickbacks or other types of illegal activity


9What if I refuse to provide the information requested?
All information on a license application is necessary and required. Failure to provide true, complete, and accurate information will result in the denial, suspension or revocation of a license. If it is determined that the applicant provided false or misleading information, lapsed time before the discovery of the false or misleading information will not be considered a factor in licensing decisions. By Federal law, a false statement on any part of your application may also be grounds for punishment by fine or imprisonment (U.S. Code, title 18, section 1001).
10If I have been convicted of a felony, can I still be licensed?
11If I have been convicted of a felony and it has been expunged or reduced to a misdemeanor, can I still be licensed?
This would be handled on a case-by-case basis.
12If I have been convicted of a misdemeanor, can I still be licensed?
Yes. However, you may be required to provide court papers that indicate the outcome of charges.
13If I have been convicted of a misdemeanor involving theft, domestic abuse, or a crime of violence, can I still be licensed?
This would be handled on a case-by-case basis and a determination would be made as to the level of threat posed to the CPN.
14If I have been denied a Gaming License by the CPNGC in the past, can I reapply later?
Applicants may reapply after one year. However, false or misleading statements on the original license application will result in permanent ineligibility for licensure.
15If my gaming license has been denied by another gaming-regulatory agency or Tribe, can I still be licensed by the CPNGC?
It depends on the reason for denial; each situation would be handled on a case-by-case basis.
16If my Gaming License has been revoked or suspended by another gaming-regulatory agency or Tribe, can I still be licensed by the CPNGC?
17Can I concurrently hold a valid gaming license with another gaming-regulatory agency or Tribe?
No. This does not apply to vendor license applicants.
18Can I be licensed by the CPNGC if I have a relative or household-member that is also licensed by the CPNGC?
It depends on the position held by both parties.
19If I am licensed by CPNGC and my employment is terminated either voluntarily or involuntarily and I am rehired, do I have to go through the entire process again?

It depends on the reason for the termination of employment. If the termination is involuntary, then this would be handled on a case-by-case basis. If the termination was voluntary and the individual is in good standing and eligible for rehire, then:

  • Rehired within one year the process is not as extensive
  • Rehired after one year the applicant would go through the entire process


20Does the employee license cost me anything?
Yes. The CPNGC charges ten dollars for the first license and ten dollars every two years to renew the license. Replacement license badges range from $0 to $25, depending the reason for replacement.
21What happens if my license is denied, suspended, or revoked?
You will not be allowed to work in any CPN gaming facility or gaming related enterprise until licensed or the license is reinstated. Anyone who has been denied, revoked, or suspended may request a hearing with the CPNGC. If the license is granted or reinstated, then the licensee may be subject to additional requirements prior to and/or after licensure. All decisions of the CPNGC are final.