Vendor Licensing
Vendors for Citizen Potawatomi Nation gaming operations must have a vendor license. Please check here for license types, fees and required forms.
Authority and Duty to License
In Compliance with 25 U.S.C. 2710 (b)(2)(F) and 25 CFR Part 556 and 558 we must conduct a background check to determine suitability of all management and key employees of a gaming facility. Those determined to be suitable must be licensed.
Prior to providing goods or services to the Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) gaming enterprises, certain vendors are required to be licensed by the CPN Gaming Commission. Vendor licenses are renewable annually.
In Compliance with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and State of Oklahoma Gaming Compact, Part E, Section 10, sub-section B, titled, "Goods and Services Providers", in addition to the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Gaming Ordinance and internal licensing regulations, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Gaming Commission must license:
"Any person or entity who, directly or indirectly, provides or is likely to provide at least Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in goods or services to the enterprise in any twelve-month period, or who has received at least Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) for goods or services provided to the enterprise in any consecutive twelve-month period within the immediately preceding twenty-four month period, or any person or entity who provides through sale, lease, rental or otherwise covered games, or parts, maintenance, or service in connection therewith to the tribe or the enterprise at any time and in any amount, shall be licensed by the TCA [Tribal Compliance Agency] prior to the provision thereof. Provided, that attorneys or certified public accountants and their firms shall be exempt from the licensing requirement herein to the extent that they are providing services covered by their professional licenses."
License Types
The CPN Gaming Commission has divided vendor licenses into three types:
- Gaming Machine Vendors
- Gaming Related Vendors - Vendors providing products/services related to gaming or the protection thereof (Excluding gaming machine vendors)
- Non-Gaming Related Products/Services
The following vendors are exempt from licensing requirements and fees:
- Non-gaming related vendors providing less than $10,000 in goods/services in any twelve month period
- Providers of utilities
- Attorneys and Certified Public Accountants providing services covered by their professional licenses
License Fees
All application and licensing and registration fees are non-refundable and are renewable annually (non-gaming bi-annually. The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Gaming Commission reserves the right to increase, decrease, or waives Vendor License or Technician License Fees at any time based on, but not limited to, business volume or product/service type.